Koh Tao was really cool. Our dives were pretty nuts because the weather was kinda rough, but once you got under the water it was so calm! We saw so many fish. We did 4 dives in two days. 3 to 12 meters deep and then 1 to 18 meters deep! Pretty neat. We were supposed to go to an area where a whale shark had been sighted the day before but the weather was way to rough so we didn't, too bad!
We went to some pretty cool places and met some really nice people. For part of diving we were with a group of people from england, holland, and canada. Once Steve got sick we moved to another group that consisted of 3 guys from austria, 2 from spain, and a guy from California. Our group was really fun and shill. No one freaked out under the water so our class went really well. We ate at this really good italian pizza place, La Matta. It is owned by an Italian and it was really good! The bbq at the place we stayed was awesome too! One night Steve and I split a red snapper for 7 bucks(Dad I know you're jealous) it was SO GOOD!
Oh yeah and I had my bday in Koh Tao. Terrence from Canada bought me the signature shot at our hotel, a darth Jaeger. It is a jaeger bomb but instead of beer it's cider and they play the star wars theme song while you drink it! Pretty funny.
Oh and Dan, if you are reading this, I have a picture to post that should be your next hair cut idea, get excited!
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